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"Queensland" Contaminated Land Auditor

Christian Atkinson

Queenslanders know Queensland is special, and when it comes to contaminated land audits and assessments, it's no different.

Contaminated land auditors in Queensland are highly experienced individuals who assist clients and consultants to navigate the legislative framework to achieve the outcomes they need.

Whilst auditors don't drive the bus, they certainly help with navigation and avoiding potholes in the road. Would you really want an auditor who's never driven the road and doesn't have a map?

You might be surprised to know that of all the auditors listed on the Queensland Department of Environmental and Science's website, only half a dozen actually reside in Queensland and regularly practice here. Only a couple exclusively focus on Queensland, including me. The remainder are listed through mutual recognition of an auditor approval held interstate. Some have offices here, or holiday here (can't blame them!). Many have never completed an audit or assessment in Queensland. Whether it's a shotgun approach to marketing or an ego-stroking exercise is hard to say. Personally, I don't feel comfortable practising in a State where I have limited experience with the regulatory framework.

Whilst all of Australia is guided by the National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (ASC NEPM) for the technical side of contaminated land assessment, each State and Territory has its legislation that guides what must occur to comply with rules in that part of Australia. Queensland is different because the State government keeps the Contaminated Land Register (CLR) and the Environmental Management Register (EMR). Land that is recorded on one of the registers (usually the EMR), has land use restrictions and this listing is the primary control for contaminated land assessment and management in Queensland. Removing land from the EMR is one of the principal reasons contaminated land audit occurs in Queensland and assessing the land in accordance with NEPM is not the whole story.

My experience of 25 years and 1000s of Queensland projects, is that the legislative framework provides the majority of the show-stopping hurdles. There is no substitute for experience.


Christian Atkinson is a contaminated land auditor and a suitably qualified person for contaminated land assessment in Queensland with more than 25 years of experience. Any discussion is general in nature and does not consider your specific circumstances. If you are considering acting on any matters discussed, you should seek advice from qualified and experienced professionals.


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